SNA Civil and Structural Engineers (Pty) Ltd, as Engineering Services Provider, invites quotations on behalf of the Applicant, the South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited, for the Subservice of managing the environmental process and monitoring environmental compliance during construction for Contract SANRAL R.058-050-2023/1 for Special Maintenance for Slope Stability on National Route R58 Section 5 from Lady Grey (km 0) to Barkly East (km 66.12). This project is in the province of the Eastern Cape, in the District Municipality of Joe Gqabi and in the Local Municipality of Senqu. The design of the project is completed, and the project is presently in the construction phase of 24 months, which includes a three (3) month Mobilisation Period, having commenced on 11 September 2023.


Tender no: R.058-050-2023/1

Closing date & time: 2024-08-16 14:00

Briefing date & time: n/a

Province where service required: Eastern Cape

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